What is $SUSHI? (CW404)
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Sushi Fighter NFTs (Also $SUSHI) is the first-of-its-kind NFT token created on Cosmos, on Injective chain, and by extension Dojoswap itself. It is created based on the CW404 Standard.
The CW404 standard is based off the new experimental ERC404 standard that was launched on Ethereum Mainnet via the Pandoras NFT collection, except that CW404 is coded via rust for use in cosmwasm enabled chains.
CW404 tokens consist of a hybrid of fungible (CW20) and non-fungible (CW721). They can generally be traded in continuous numbers, but also function as discrete numbers since 1 $SUSHI is equivalent to 1 Sushi Fighter NFT.
Under the CW404 standard, tokens can have both defi and NFT properties, hence allowing for deepened liquidity, lowered costs, fractional ownership amongst other benefits. This resolves many of the issues that NFTs are currently facing at the moment.